Friday, 19 November 2010



1.Are you male or female?
Male [ ] female [ ]

2.How old are you?

15-20 [ ] 21-26 [ ] 27-35 [ ] 36-45 [ ] 45-55 [ ] 55+ [ ]

3.What is your favourite genre?
And why?

4.Who is your favourite artist?


5.What is your favourite song from you favourite artist?


6.Do you prefer British or American artists?

British [ ] American [ ]

7.Do you download or buy CDs?
Buy [ ] Downloads [ ]

8.How much do you spend on music a month?
0-£5 [ ] £6-£11 [ ] £12-£18 [ ] £19-£25 [ ] £26-£35 [ ] £36-£45[ ] £46-£55 [ ] £55+ [ ]

9.Does the album cover attract you to the artist?
Yes [ ] No [ ]


10.What music channels do you watch?

11.What do you expect to see in a music video?


12.Do you prefer Narrative, concept or performance based videos?
Narrative [ ] Concept [ ] Performance [ ]


13.What record label do you think is the most successful?

14.Can you relate to the lyrics of your favourite song?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

15.Do you prefer solo artists or groups?

Solo artists [ ] Groups [ ]

16.What do you think (your favourite artists) interests and beliefs are and why?


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