Wednesday 7 July 2010

Music Channels

Who is the target audience?
The target audience for MTV is old teenagers to young adults (16-29) because of the tv programs they show and the type of music they play. The tv programs are not for young children, like in South Park they swear quite a lot and theres some violence.
Also the type of music, hip hop and RnB, appeals most to old teenagers to young adults.

What type of music does the channel play and why?
MTV play RnB, Hip Hop, Grime and anything in the charts. All these genres appeal to their target audeince becuase its what they demand.

Identify 3-5 examples of artists that feature on a regular basis.
Rihanna usually appears on the music channel because of her type of songs and the genre of them, the songs are usually performance based because of the singing and danceing all the way though and the genre is RnB.
Lady Gaga also appears frequantly on MTV because of her unique style and,again, the genre of her songs.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in analysing one music channel but you still need to analyse 4 more in total to show your understanding of the music channels, music genres and target audiences.
